Page 94 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
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     Course ID:   SCI1021-1022                                  Course ID:    SCI2051 OR SCI2052
     Prerequisite:   None                                       Prerequisite:   None
     Credit:      1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)                        Credit:       1/2 (Semester 1 or 2)
     Grades:      9-10                                          Grades:       10-12
     Description:  The  Principles  of  Biomedical  Science  (PBS)  course   Description: Students will use the principles of energy as it applies
     provides  an  introduction  to  biomedical  science  through  exciting   to the atmosphere and weather. Our own weather station statistics
     hands-on projects and problems. Students investigate concepts of   will be used to graph and interpret the meaning of temperature, air
     biology and  medicine as they  explore  health  conditions  including   pressure, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed, and direction
     heart  disease,  diabetes,  sickle-cell  disease,  hypercholesterolemia,   as it relates to the weather. Weather phenomenon will be used to
     and infectious diseases. They will determine the factors that led to   relate  statistical  analysis  to  actual  events.  Graphical  analysis  of
     the death of a fictional woman as they sequentially piece together   weather  statistics  will  be  used  to  assist  in  weather  prediction.
     evidence found in her medical history and her autopsy report. The   Discussions of global warming and the effect of greenhouse gases
     activities  and  projects  in  PBS  introduce  students  to  human   will be used as a focus for long-term climatic changes that might
     physiology,  basic  biology,  medicine,  and  research  processes  and   occur to the planet. Units of Study include: The Worlds Wind Belts;
     allow  students  to  design  experiments  to  solve  problems.  Key   Air  Masses;  Air  Pressure  &  Wind;  World  Climate;  Evaporation  &
     biological  concepts,  including  maintenance  of  homeostasis  in  the   Humidity;  Clouds  &  Precipitation;  Fronts,  High  Pressure  &  Low
     body, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease   Pressure; Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere; Temperature
     are embedded in the curriculum. The course is designed to provide   &  the  Effects  of  Atmospheric  Heating  Condensation,  Global
     an  overview  of  all  the  courses  in  the  Project  Lead  the  Way   Warming, the Ozone Hole.
     Biomedical  Science  Program  and  lay  the  scientific  foundation  for
     subsequent courses.
                                                                   Students entering 11th and/or 12th grade who are interested in
     PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING                                     occupational class work that combines academic and technical
     Course ID:   TEE3011-3012                                     studies with  mentored, on-the-job training at a local business
     Prerequisite:   Geometry (C or higher)                        can apply for a:
     Credit:      1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)                             Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
     Grades:      11-12
     Description: Science credit is awarded for successful completion of   (STEM) Youth Apprenticeship
     this course as it is recognized as a science equivalency by WI DPI as   This rigorous one- or two-year program includes pathways for
     a  third  science  credit.  Students  who  successfully  complete  both   Biotechnology and for Engineering. Please refer to the “School
     semesters may be eligible for college and/or technical school credit   to Career” section in the course handbook for more information
     based on their score on the PLTW final exam. Any student planning   on this work based learning opportunity that provides students
     on  pursuing  an  engineering  career  should  take  this  course.    This   with industry-defined occupational and employability skills.
     course is lab based and conveys the concepts and principles of the
     engineering field. Students will be able to combine math and science
     skills  to  create  practical,  working  solutions  to  real-life  problems.
     Units of Study include: Energy and Power, Materials and Structures,
     Control Systems, and Statistics and Kinematics.

     Course ID:   SCI5001 AND/OR SCI5002
     Prerequisite:   Consent of Instructor
     Credit:      1/4 (Semester 1 and/or 2) Elective Credit Only
     Grades:      10-12
     Description: Students will work with the lab equipment and supplies
     in ways not normally available to other class members.  The student
     learns  to  problem  solve  and  troubleshoot  in  a  particular  area  of
     science.  Assistant application forms are available in the counseling
     office and approved based on teacher consent and availability.
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