Page 91 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
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          Course                                       Freshman       Sophomore         Junior         Senior
          AP Biology                                                                       E              E
          AP Chemistry                                                                     E              E
          Biology                                           R
          Biotech Career Apps - DC                                         E               E              E
          Biotechnology - DC                                                               E              E
          Chemical World                                                   E               E              E
          Chemistry                                                        E               E              E
          Ecology: Ecosystems of So. WI                                                    E              E
          Ecology: Environment & You                                                       E              E
          Geology                                                          E               E              E
          Human Anatomy & Physiology I                                                     E              E
          Human Anatomy & Physiology II                                                    E              E
          Intro to Astronomy                                               E               E              E
          Physical World                                                   E               E              E
          Physics                                                                          E              E
          Physics II                                                                                      E
          Principles of Biomedical Science                  E              E
          Principles of Engineering                                                        E              E
          Science Lab Assistant (elective credit) +                        E               E              E
          Weather and Climate                                              E               E              E
                                          R=Fulfills Graduation Requirement at grade level
                                      E=Elective and the year student is eligible to take the course
                                     DC = Dual Credit with a post-secondary institution/certificate program
                                         + Elective credit, does not count as a Science Credit
                             Science Department Recommended Course Sequence


      Course ID:       SCI3011-3012                              Course ID:       SCI3031-3032
      Prerequisite:    Biology and Chemistry                     Prerequisite:    Chemistry (B or higher)
      Credit:          1.0 (Semester 1 & 2)                      Credit:          1.0 (Semester 1 & 2)
      Grades:          11-12                                     Grades:          11-12
      Description: The 4 "Big Ideas" as approved by the College Board   Description:    Advanced  Placement  Chemistry  covers  the  “6  Big
      include a study of Evolution, Energy and Homeostasis, Heritable   Ideas” and “7 Science Practices” determined by the College Board.
      Information,  and  Biological  Interactions.  Unit  topics  include   Students create written lab reports, do online homework, and take
      molecular  and  cellular  processes,  energy  transfer,  cellular   tests in the same format as the AP Chemistry exam. Students are
      communication, genetics, evolution, human systems, and ecology.   required to perform calculations during each unit as well as explain
      Twenty-five percent of the course is devoted to hands-on multi-day   natural phenomena at the atomic level. A review of nomenclature
      AP  laboratory  activities.  Students  should  expect  extensive  daily   and  mole  conversions  will  be  given  during  the  summer.  First
      reading assignments, lab preparation, analysis and discussion. AP   semester  units  of  study  include:  Reactions  in  Solution,  Gases  &
      Biology is a college-level course designed to prepare students to   Enthalpy,  Periodicity  &  Electrochemistry,  Bonding,  and
      take the Advanced Placement Exam for college credit.       Intermolecular  Forces.  Second  semester  units  of  study  include:
                                                                 Kinetics & Equilibrium, Acid & Bases, and Thermodynamics. After
                                                                 the AP Chemistry Exam, students will learn about solar power, line-
                                                                 angle naming of organic compounds, and scuba diving.
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