Page 87 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
P. 87



          Course                                   Freshman      Sophomore          Junior         Senior
          Band                                                         E              E               E

          Chorale                                       E              E               E              E
          Concert Band                                  E
          Concert Choir                                                                E              E
          Grazioso                                                     E               E              E
          Jazz Improvisation                            E              E               E              E
          Music History                                 E              E               E              E
          Music Theory & Composition                   E*              E               E              E

          Philharmonic Orchestra                        E              E
          Symphony Orchestra                                                           E              E
                                 E = Elective and the year student is eligible to take the course.
                                  E*=Elective and available ONLY with Consent of Instructor

     BAND                                                       CONCERT BAND

     Course ID:   MUS2011-2012                                  Course ID:    MUS1011-1012
     Prerequisite:   None                                       Prerequisite:   None
     Credit:      1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)                        Credit:       1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)
     Grades:      10-12                                         Grades:       9
     Description: All band students are together to form the marching band   Description:  The  band  will  be  called  (during  concert  season)  the
     which begins with summer rehearsals (band camp the week of the   “Concert  Band.”  It  will  have  its  own  instructional  period  for  90
     Waunafest parade) and performances (Waunafest parade, WI Dells   minutes. Small group instruction will occur once every six school days
     parade in September, home football games) and when school begins   like other band students. Concert Band is a Freshmen only full-year
     through October and possibly into November with football play offs.   class  designed  to  transition  students  into  the  high  school  band
     In late October, the marching band transitions to two concert bands.   program. Concert Band will have units of study to include marching
     Students will be assessed only if they wish to be considered for Wind   band concepts (including summer band camp, Waunafest Parade, and
     Ensemble  (placement  in  Wind  Ensemble  will  be  based  upon  work   Friday  night  football  games),  musical  skill-building,  age/ability
     ethic, balanced instrumentation, dedication/contributions to the band   appropriate  band  literature,  performance  techniques  and  solo  and
     program and playing assessment. It is not based on what year you are   ensemble. Members of this ensemble will have the same opportunities
     in school). Band students perform at concerts in December, March and   to play in co-curricular offerings such as Pep Band, Jazz Ensembles and
     May  and  are  expected  to  attend  small  group  instruction.  The    Jazz Combo as students in grades 10-12.
     Symphonic Band generally plays Class B and C music and the Wind
     Ensemble generally plays Class A and B music.              CONCERT CHOIR
                                                                Course ID:    MUS3111-3112
     CHORALE                                                    Prerequisite:   One year of Chorale or Grazioso
                                                                              1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)
     Course ID:   MUS1111-1112                                  Grades:       11-12
     Prerequisite:   None                                       Description: Concert Choir consists of intermediate to advanced male
     Credit:      1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)                        and  female  vocalists  who  are  interested  in  improving  their
     Grades:      9-12                                          musicianship through the rehearsal and performance of challenging
     Description:    Chorale  is  an  ensemble  consisting  of  beginning  and   choral  literature.  Placement  will  be  determined  by  the  director’s
     intermediate  male  and  female  vocalists  who  have  an  interest  in   assessment of a student’s vocal abilities, tonal memory, sight reading,
     improving their musicianship through the rehearsal and performance   and rehearsal skills. Students will prepare music for 4-5 concerts as
     of standard choral literature. This is a course for all singers who are   well  as  study  music  in  preparation  for  solo  &  ensemble.  Students
     interested in developing their skills in vocal technique, sight reading,   receive small group instruction on a 6-day rotating schedule.
     and  overall  music  knowledge.  Students  will  prepare  music  for  4-5
     concerts as well as study music in preparation for solo & ensemble.
     Students receive small group instruction on a 6-day rotating schedule.
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