Page 14 - JR0943 - Corporate Plan 2020_Eng_Web
P. 14

Corporate Plan

                  Well-being Statement                                           Well-being of Future
                                                                                 Generations (Wales)

                                                                                         Act 2015

                     We are committed to the Well-being of Future
                     Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and we have embraced our
                     duties and our role as a statutory partner across our six

                     Public Services Boards (PSBs).

                  We understand the purpose and aim of the Act and are committed to ensuring we
                  consider the long term impact of our decisions on the communities we serve.

                  Our Draft Corporate Plan 2020-2025 outlines our Draft five year Strategic Aims and our
                  Draft Improvement and Well-being Objectives for 2020/2021.

                  We have ensured that our Draft Improvement and Well-being Objectives have been
                  developed in accordance with the sustainable development principle and incorporate the
                  five ways of working.

                  Our Draft Improvement and Well-being Objectives have been developed through a series
                  of workshops with our staff, Elected Members and Representative Bodies.
                  As a result of this consultation process, we are confident that our Draft Improvement and
                  Well-being Objectives for 2020/2021 contribute to the requirements of the Act.

                  Throughout this Plan, we highlight how our Draft Improvement and Well-being Objectives
                  contribute to the seven Well-being Goals, demonstrating how each one helps us improve
                  the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.

                  We will therefore ensure that when making decisions we take into account the impact the
                  decisions could have on the people living their lives in Wales both now and in the future.
                  We will also remember to give due consideration to the rich diversity of people within mid
                  and west Wales and continue to work collaboratively with others to help the Authority
                  achieve its Draft Strategic Aims and Draft Improvement and Wellbeing Objectives, and
                  conversely, to help others to achieve theirs.

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