Page 2 - Newsletter - January & February, 2020_Neat
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P.O.  Box  80379  Mombasa  80100

                                             Tel:   0733 728 356                                                 Email:

        Dear Friends,                                                       January/February, 2020

        I do hope 2020 has started well for you all – it just sounds nice and has a zing to it so we are all hoping that this will be a
        good year.

                           We moved into our beautiful new office in December and it has made such a difference working in
                           a lovely cool and airy office – we have ceiling fans in both offices.   A very kind friend saw our office
                           and made a special sign to put above the door which has been much admired.    When the rains
                           start we shall get the garden sorted out with grass and some pot plants.   The kitchen has been
                           painted and is now looking much more respectable.   The next thing that needs to be dealt with is
                           the Clinic as this has an asbestos roof which is leaking.    We are slowly getting rid of all the rubbish
                           that is left in Cattery 7, so that it can, once more, become a Cattery – it is a particularly nice big airy

        The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare

            1.  Freedom from hunger and thirst (food and water)
            2.  Freedom from discomfort (shelter)
            3.  Freedom from pain, injury & disease (medical care)
            4.  Freedom to express normal behaviour (exercise)
            5.  Freedom from fear & distress (love & understanding)

        This adorable cute puppy was adopted by a lovely lady from Nairobi.   She is a very unusual grey with brown patches and
        she is going to go to Sicily!   Seriously, take a look at those ears – will she ever grow into them.   We have sent an
        adopted dog to Germany and a cat to England.   Now we have Sicily.
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