Page 3 - Newsletter - January & February, 2020_Neat
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We have had a huge number of dogs and cats brought in in the last couple of months all looking for forever loving
homes. As you know all our dogs and cats are neutered and vaccinated. Sadly, many of them have been abandoned by
their owners who have left and it has been the neighbours that have alerted us to this.
I would like to take this opportunity of reminding you to check your dogs and cats’ Rabies Vaccinations and make sure
that they are all up to date. There is always a lot of rabies around and it is so very important to keep you and your
family members and pets safe – remember there is no cure for rabies.
Since starting this Newsletter a rabid dog was brought in from Kiruwitu in Vipingo.
A few months ago we received a report about a donkey with very severe injuries down the Bamburi Cement Road. We
had to walk him to the KSPCA with two of our staff leading him and Eric, our Chief Inspector, following slowly along in
our pick-up. When he arrived we realized that he had not been mistreated but had been in a really fearsome fight with
another donkey with big bite marks all over him and hoof prints too. We got him sorted out and found a lovely home
for him. We also found a home for our little goat where he wasn’t going to be turned into nyama choma.
A great many of you will remember our gorgeous, wonderful, much loved and very spoilt Thomas. Sadly, he
disappeared one night, together with another cat, and we think that he may have been taken by a python. As you know
our premises is the end bit of the Nature Trail and we are right next to the forest. Joseph from the Nature Trail says
that there are very many extremely large pythons there. Not long after Thomas disappeared a 15 foot python was
caught at the Bohora Flats, which is across the wall from the KSPCA , where it had got one of their dogs. All so very sad.
Membership – Our Membership runs from January to December each year and I am asking you to please renew your
memberships as this really helps the KSPCA. Those who have already renewed their membership please ignore this
We had a call from someone about a cat at a kibanda that had a rope around its waist. Our
Field Office went down to check on it and found that it actually had wire (double) round its
waist. Apparently the people there said that it was stealing their fish so they tied wire
around it and then tied it to a tree. Yes, you did read that correctly. This is just one of the
many cases we have to deal with regarding animal cruelty – it is incredibly distressing. As I
have previously reported we have had to go into Mombasa to collect cats that women,
cooking fish on the side of the road, have chucked boiling oil over. These cats come in with
just raw flesh from shoulder to hip on one side. It is a horrific sight. When we want to
take these people to court (under CAP 360 – The Animal Welfare Act) no one will come
forward to be a witness.