Page 7 - Harlem Shavuot Companion 2020
P. 7

The revelation of Torah is experienced through the raw power of thunder, fire, and lightning. It
               comes  not  through  sudden  clarity  but  through  dense  fog.  Revelation  is  not  feeling  suddenly
               equipped with new understanding but rather it is the naked, vulnerable experience of trembling at
               the foot of a mountain.

               And, of course, so too was the act of welcoming our daughter intimate, vulnerable, and intensely
               raw. Once she arrived and was on my chest, no divine voice rang through in the midst of my
               overwhelm  and  exhilaration  from  labor  to  say  “Behold!  Now  you  know  all  the  answers  and
               everything is clear to you!” I simply experienced a quieter, though no less profound, revelation:

               “Each step will be revealed.”

               I  have  come  to  understand  revelation  as  an  unfolding,  ever-renewable  process.  It  comes  not
               through instantaneous status change but through the moment-by-moment commitment to find the
               right way and to put the next foot forward. It is the willingness to take a step, to go in the right
               direction, even when (or perhaps - precisely when) we feel most vulnerable.

               So too with Torah, whose instruction provides us with a footpath that is illuminated as we walk it,
               revealing new understanding through how we inch forward in each moment. Revelation happened
               in sound and fury at Sinai, and it is also happening quietly, slowly in this very moment and in
               every step forward.

               In  our  home,  Dimitry  and  I  have  welcomed  many  hundreds  of  you  to  encounter  Torah,  our
               tradition, and each other. The moments of revelation we experience around our Shabbat table and
               gatherings are perhaps less dramatic than the scene at the foot of Mount Sinai, but no less profound,
               born out through rawness, intimacy, and vulnerability. So we remind you of this this Shavuot, as
               we try to tap into the experience of Revelation:

               While we don’t know when we will welcome you into our home again, and that is hard to swallow,
               we are standing here in our kitchen, remembering the lesson that Torah, and life, and you have
               taught us —

               “Each step will be revealed.”

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