Page 548 - Handbook of Modern Telecommunications
P. 548

Network Organization and Governance                                        4-79





            FIGu RE 4.5.1  Hard management CMA governance pattern.
            customer  relationship  management  (CRM),  commerce  chain  management  (CCM),  e-business,  and
            business intelligence (BI) packages. Standard applications will be embraced as embodiments of best
            practice operations and business processes, and as tools to impart consistency and discipline across a
            multifaceted enterprise.
              Although geographical, cultural, legislative, and business practice specificities across national and
            LOB boundaries will be recognized as important, management will share a strong conviction that these
            can be minimized through time. Persistent local/LOB specificities will be handled through individual
            configuration of corporate standard applications with strong central procurement, deployment, and
            (eventually) management and hosting. Furthermore, hard management governance patterns will favor
            aggressive infrastructure consolidation projects (e.g., data center, storage, and server consolidation) and
            global sourcing and service provider deals (see Figure 4.5.1).
              In Figure 4.5.1, business perspectives are:

              •   Common global processes
              •   Rapid elimination of local/LOB specificities
              •   Consistency
              •   Economies of scale
              •   Discipline

              Typical IT mandates are:
              •   Common  enterprise  application  backbone  (e.g.,  ERP,  CRM,  PRM  (product  resource  manage-
                 ment), SCM (supply chain management), BI)
              •   Common enterprise software infrastructure (e.g., portals, workgroup, application servers)
              •   Infrastructure consolidation (data center, storage, servers)
              •   Global sourcing and service provider deals
              •   Support for centrally controlled Web 2.0 solutions
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