Page 120 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 120
construct your thesis statement, you will decide whether to write a
thesis that lists points of development or one that does not.
As you write, you will find that some topics lend themselves to the
listing of points while others do not. Your writing habits can also help
you decide which type of thesis to use. Careful, organized writers can
usually work with either type. Writers who tend to skip steps, however,
often find that listing points forces them to be more thorough and
The Thesis with Points Listed
A thesis with points listed presents the main idea along with the points
of development. These points are listed in the order in which they will
be discussed in the essay. The thesis that lists points of development
has a long tradition in college writing. Listing thesis points provides a
road map that lets the reader see where the essay is headed.
Examples of a Thesis with Points Listed
My formula for a successful lawn care business includes clever
advertising, competitive prices, and reliable service.
Price, performance, and fit are factors to consider when
shopping for athletic shoes.