Page 116 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 116

audience, the easier it will be to tailor your essay to anticipate and
               answer the questions they might want to ask. In fact, the very idea that

               someone is reading your essay is helpful in itself. How much does

               your reader know about the subject you are writing about? How much

               should you explain, and how much can you safely leave out? Can you

               assume that your reader is on your side of the issue you are writing

               about, or will your audience need to be convinced?


               Your purpose in writing will depend in large part on the assignment

               you are given and the method of development you choose. If you are

               asked to write about your favorite place in the world, then you will

               bring out all of your best descriptive techniques so that the reader can

               experience that place along with you. If you are asked to compare and
               contrast two writers’ views on the same subject, your purpose will be

               to pinpoint the major similarities and differences and explain them to

               your reader in a comparison-contrast pattern of development. Later

               chapters introduce you to nine basic methods of development that will

               help you fulfill your purpose in writing an essay.

               Person and Point of View

               You may remember that in writing, you may use first person, second
               person, or third person.
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