Page 158 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 158

general topic, the narrow-to-broad introduction begins at a point that is
               smaller than your thesis and expands toward that thesis. With this

               method, you can create an unusual and intriguing opening.

                Example of Narrow-to-Broad Introduction

               Thousands of feet above the earth, a small crystal traces a zigzag

               path to the bleak landscape below. It is the first snowflake of the

               season, soon to be followed by many more that will blanket the earth
               in a layer of white. Winter is my favorite of all the seasons. I love

               its beauty, I enjoy the opportunity to ski, and, like a kid, I can

               never wait for Christmas to arrive.

               Exercise 4-2 A Narrow-to-Broad


               Arrange the following numbered sentences so that they form a

               narrow-to-broad introduction, ending with the thesis.

                    1.  Seeing my father dying without dignity only reinforces my belief

                        that physicians should be allowed to assist the suicides of
                        terminally ill patients.

                    2.  His eyes show no sign of recognition as I enter the room and

                        say, “Hello, Dad.”

                    3.  As I stand in the doorway of his hospital room, I see my father,

                        his hand curled like a fallen leaf and tied to the bed’s metal
                        safety bar with a Velcro wrist cuff.
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