Page 214 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 214
Learning Objectives Review
LO1 Identify the An effective body paragraph has direction;
four that is, a reader can tell where it is going. It has
characteristics unity because it is about one thing. It has
of an effective coherence because it is constructed to flow
body logically and smoothly. Finally, it has strong,
paragraph. plentiful support in the form of details,
description, and examples.
What are the four
characteristics of an
effective body
paragraph? (See p.
LO2 Explain what In a body paragraph, direction is established
gives a body by a topic sentence that lets the reader know
paragraph where the paragraph is headed.
What is direction and
which part of a
direction? (See pp.
LO3 Define what A body paragraph has unity if every sentence
gives a body supports the topic sentence.