Page 267 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 267
The following essay is by Maya Angelou, noted writer, poet, and
activist. It is an excerpt from Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey
Now, one of Angelou’s several autobiographical books.
The essay embodies all three of the writing techniques featured in this
chapter. The predominant technique of the essay is narration, or
storytelling. Notice how the author highlights her narrative with
dialogue, or conversation, to help the reader understand the
characters she describes.
In the second and third paragraphs, Angelou uses examples, which
can be exact instances or general illustrations. Notice how these
paragraphs provide specific examples of complainers, showing exactly
how they behave.
Finally, the author uses description to paint a picture so that the
reader can visualize the people in her story. Because humans
perceive the world through the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste,
and smell, describing in terms of the five senses is an effective way to
make a subject real and concrete to readers.
Maya Angelou
When my grandmother was raising me in Stamps, Arkansas, she 1
had a particular routine when people who were known to be whiners
entered her store. Whenever she saw a known complainer coming,
she would call me from whatever I was doing and say conspiratorially,