Page 290 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 290

5.  Underline the sense impressions in the essay.
                                 Can you find imagery of all five senses?

                                      a.  sight

                                      b.  hearing

                                      c.  smell

                                      d.  touch

                                      e.  taste

               Topics for Descriptive Writing

                                                    Visit Ch. 8, Showing and Telling:

                             Description, Narration, and Example, in

                             MyWritingLab to complete the Small Scrawls.

               Small Scrawls: Imaginative Short Writings

               What is a Small Scrawl? A “scrawl” is something written quickly. For

               the purposes of this assignment, it is a page or so of quick writing that
               allows you to practice a particular method of development, in this

               case, description. Have fun with it!

               Small Scrawl 1: Mosquito’s-Eye View
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