Page 293 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 293

Visit Ch. 8, Showing and Telling:

                             Description, Narration, and Example, in
                             MyWritingLab to complete the Essay


               Write an essay describing a place. It can be a store, office, nightclub,

               park, beach, street, parking lot, church sanctuary, stadium, or any

               place of your choosing. In your thesis statement, sum up the dominant

               impression in one word if you can. Some suggestions are shown


                 cheerful              colorful                  filthy                    orderly

                 cluttered             disgusting                spotless                  chaotic

                 serene                dull                      crowded                   lonely

                 bleak                 gloomy                    eerie                     noisy

                 messy                 elegant                   exciting                  calm

                 shabby                depressing                impersonal                cozy

               Descriptive Essay 2: Describing a Person

               Write an essay describing a person. It can be someone you know well,

               such as a friend or relative, or someone you see often but don’t really

               know, such as a library worker or a fellow student. Be sure that you
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