Page 313 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 313
wild joy. “We’re free!” I shouted to Paul. We exchanged
high-fives as we headed toward a new and unencumbered
I no longer live with Paul, but I live with our
decision every day of my life. It has left a blank spot
in my work history and on forms that ask for previous
addresses. It is a nagging guilt that plagues me
sometimes in the night, a stalking shadow that may still
overtake me one day. When I hear of hit-and-run drivers
or criminals whose past has caught up with them, I feel
a tug of kinship. I, too, know the hunted feeling of
running from trouble.
1. Circle the letter of the statement below that best
conveys the writer’s main point.
a. It is a nagging guilt that plagues me
sometimes in the night, a stalking shadow
that may still overtake me one day.
b. In that moment of clarity, I also saw that
what we were doing was illegal.
c. Two months later, we made a decision that
has haunted me ever since.
d. “We’re free!” I shouted to Paul, and we
exchanged high-fives as we headed
toward a new and unencumbered life.