Page 317 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 317

In an essay, write about a time when someone treated you in one of
               the following ways:

               misjudged you

               gave you praise or credit you did not deserve

               encouraged you

               ridiculed you

               treated you with unexpected kindness

               treated you unfairly

               Narrative Essay 2: A Significant “First”

               Write a narrative essay about a significant “first” in your life. Some
               possibilities include your first date, first day of school, first day on a

               job, or first trip away from home without your parents. Make sure that

               the incident you choose is one that will fit into an essay. It would be

               hard, for instance, to write a narrative that fully discussed your first

               marriage or your first job (unless it lasted only a day or two).

               Narrative Essay 3: An Uncommon Encounter

               Imagine that you have the opportunity to meet and converse with

               anyone, living or dead, for an hour. It may be a famous person, a

               historical figure you have always admired, or a relative or ancestor

               you have never met. Write a narrative describing your imaginary
               meeting. In describing your encounter, you may want to include details

               such as what the person says to you, the questions you ask, the
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