Page 319 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 319

Your assignment is to go to a place, observe what happens for a set
               period of time—say, fifteen minutes—and write it up as a narrative,

               with events described in chronological order.

               Part of your job as an observer is not to be caught observing. Go to a

               place where your pen and paper will not seem out of place—a library,

               a cafeteria, a coffee shop, a bench on campus somewhere—and sit
               down. Be careful not to stare or to make your observation of anyone

               seem more than casual. You might try opening your book and placing

               it on the table as if you are doing an assignment—and you are!

               Your narrative should give the reader a clear idea of the place you are

               in and of the people and activities in the place.

                         Peer Revision Checklist for Narrative


                             1.  Does the introduction draw the reader in and give

                                  any necessary background?

                             2.  Does the thesis hint at the central conflict without
                                  giving the ending away?

                             3.  Do topic sentences move the reader

                                  chronologically through major sections of the


                             4.  Is description used in body paragraphs to bring
                                  the reader into the story?
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