Page 321 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 321


                             4        Write effective essays supported by


               Examples give your reader a specific illustration of an idea. A good

               example is never a generalization but a crisp and specific picture that

               shows exactly what the sentence it illustrates means. An example is a

               shortcut, providing a vivid and direct way to get your meaning across

               to your reader. Because examples are used to illustrate a point, they

               often include narration or description. Therefore, the example essays
               that you write will build on the descriptive and narrative techniques

               you have practiced earlier in this chapter .

               Examples can be used in almost any type of essay. However, essays

               supported by examples alone might be used to answer questions such

               as the ones that follow.

                    What would cause you to end a friendship?

                    Discuss some of the ways that an individual can help the


                    How has attending college affected your eating habits?
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