Page 325 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 325
approaching drivers of their presence. Driving with the lights on, it
is widely believed, will drain a car’s battery whether the car is
running or not. Is maneuvering a car down dark streets and highways
dangerous without headlights? Perhaps it is. But in that city, it
might be even more dangerous to turn headlights on and risk blinding
other drivers on the dark, noisy streets. For their safety and that
of others, tourists to other countries should become familiar with
driving customs before getting behind the wheel.
The paragraph that makes its point more clearly through examples is
paragraph .
Wordsmith’s Corner: Examples of
Writing Supported by Example
Below are two student essays supported by example. Read each and
answer the questions that follow.
Example Essay 1
It’s on the dinner plate now, but what was its life like before? The
writer of this essay shows the reader through examples.
Cruel Portion
My grandmother was nine years old when her pet chicken,
Belle, showed up on the table at Sunday dinner or, to be