Page 356 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 356
2 Write effective definition essays.
When you think of definitions, you probably think of the dictionary. If
you want to know the definition of curmudgeon or the difference
between an ectomorph and an endomorph, you turn to the dictionary
for definitions. Similarly, when you want to define an idea or concept in
detail, you may write a definition essay. A dictionary entry provides a
good example of a definition. Examine the definition of the word
burden from The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary,
New Third Edition, then answer the questions that follow.
Sample Dictionary Definition
bur’den (ber’dan) n. 1, something carried; a load. 2, something borne with difficulty, as
care, grief, etc. 3, an encumbrance. 4, a main theme; a refrain.
1. Would you characterize the definition as brief or extended?
2. Does the entry provide any clue about how the person writing
the entry felt about the subject, or is it strictly factual?
3. Does the dictionary definition include any examples?