Page 431 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 431
service is an oxymoron, we can choose from a handful of carriers
where customer service is an oxymoron. But hey, competition is
competition, and you may be able to get a better deal from your carrier
just by asking. Or join the rising number of households that no longer
have a landline. Going from two numbers to just your cell can trim
$240 to $360 a year off your communications bill.
That’s entertainment!
People typically watched television in one way: on a big box that 5
hulked in the corner of the living room. Some people had cable
television in those dark ages, but most of us got TV for free thanks to
antennae and over-the-air broadcast signals. Maybe you could get
only three or four channels, but again—free. These days we have so
many ways to stream, download and play a seemingly infinite number
of shows, yet cable bills keep rising. The typical American household
shells out about $64 a month for pay television, mostly for stuff they
could get for free or low cost elsewhere. Cut the cable, and even if you
pay for a streaming service or two you’ll still be $500 a year ahead.
Meals at home.