Page 433 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 433

$8,876 each year per car, based upon 15,000 miles of annual driving,
               according to AAA. In these days of Uber and Zipcar, it’s worth

               considering whether you could save money by trimming a car (or two)

               from your garage.

               We flew (a lot) less.

               I took my first airline flight at 16. My daughter was flying at the age of                  9
               five months. One reason for the difference is that flying is way, way

               cheaper now than it was in the seventies. U.S. airlines weren’t

               deregulated until 1978, which kept prices artificially high. Guess what,

               though: we still took vacations—car trips and train trips, mostly. You

               have to weigh the costs and travel time, of course, but taking one
               fewer plane trip a year can save you hundreds of dollars, or thousands

               if you’re transporting a family.

               I hope you’ve enjoyed this little journey to the past, and along the                       10

               way gotten a few ideas for making living in the present a little cheaper.
               And just think: it won’t be long until you’ll be able to reminisce to the

               latest batch of youngsters about how we got along just fine without

               self-driving cars and thought-controlled video games.

               Thinking about the Essay

                    1.  Why do you think the author compares the budgets of the
                        1970s with today’s budgets, rather than simply advising her

                        readers to budget for items as if it were the 1970s? In other

                        words, why does she show us in such detail how our usage of

                        various items has changed?
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