Page 438 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 438
man and his dog be different from the relationship of a
homeowner and her dog? How might it be the same?
List three points of comparison or contrast between the life of a
dog owned by a homeless person and a dog owned by a
person who has a home. Plan a paragraph that shows the
differences or similarities in these dogs’ lives.
Now you are ready to write. Draft a paragraph comparing or
contrasting the lives of two dogs: one belonging to a homeless
person and one belonging to a homeowner. Use one of the two
beginnings that follow, or make up your own. Note that in the
second opening, the dogs are named. It takes a sentence to
establish the names, but cumbersome repetition is avoided.
Opening 1: A homeless person’s dog lives much like any other
Opening 2: Banjo and Cadet are mixed-breed dogs who are
much loved by their owners. But Banjo travels the open road
with his homeless owner, while Cadet lives with his family in a
three-bedroom house with a yard.
Setting Up a Comparison-Contrast