Page 439 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 439
The first step in setting up a comparison-contrast composition is to
choose your points of comparison or contrast and decide whether to
compare or contrast. One way to decide is to prewrite. That way, you
can see whether your primary focus is on comparison or on contrast.
Following is a sample brainstorming for a paragraph or essay.
Brainstorming—Two Teachers
Kimball Bettman
extremely good teacher excellent teacher
liked by students liked by students
funny but disorganized organized lectures—hints about lectures, test
multiple-choice tests essay tests
group project assignment easy to research paper approachable and friendly
talk to
Though there are several points of comparison, the contrasting points
“lectures,” “tests,” and “assignments” may make a more interesting
paragraph than the points of comparison. These points will also be
more valuable to a reader who is trying to decide which class to take.