Page 440 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 440

The next step in planning the comparison-contrast paper is to decide
               whether to use a point-by-point pattern or a block pattern to discuss

               the points.

               Point-by-Point Outline for a Comparison-

               Contrast Essay

               In a point-by-point pattern, each point of comparison or contrast is
               considered separately. Following is a point-by-point outline that

               could be developed into a paragraph or essay:

               Point 1: Lectures

                 Kimball:                    Humorous but disorganized

                 Bettman:                    Organized, gives hints

               Point 2: Tests

                 Kimball:              Multiple choice, tricky questions

                 Bettman:              Essay questions require creative thought

               Point 3: Outside Projects

                 Kimball:                          Group presentation

                 Bettman:                          Research paper
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