Page 444 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 444
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Wordsmith’s Corner: Examples of
Writing Using Comparison-
In the following essays, see how two student writers use comparison-
contrast. Read each essay and answer the questions that follow.
Comparison-Contrast Essay 1
This essay contrasts home ownership and apartment living. At what
point in the essay are you certain which one the writer prefers?
The Advantages of Apartment Living
The other day, a friend asked, “When are you going to
buy a house?” When I told him that my wife and I were
happy in our apartment, he shook his head. “You don’t
know what you’re missing,” he said. I think I do. Natalie
and I have talked about buying a house, but we always
come to the same conclusion. Apartment living offers
many advantages over home ownership.