Page 462 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 462

First of all, my perfectionism makes me anxious about
                        high-pressure situations. In school, I worry about taking

                        tests. The pressure is on because there is no way to go

                        back or change my performance. As I enter the

                        classroom on test day, I feel my hands becoming

                        clammy and I worry that I will forget everything I have

                        studied. Socially, I worry when I have to go to parties or
                        meet new people. I am afraid that I will be dressed too

                        casually or too formally, that I will forget someone’s

                        name, or that I won’t be able to make small talk. Before I

                        met my girlfriend’s parents, I spent a week worrying

                        about what I would say and how I would act. First

                        impressions count, and with my perfectionistic nature, it
                        was important to me to make a good impression.

                        Trying to do things perfectly often means that I do not do

                        them quickly enough. Once, my perfectionism cost me

                        my summer job at a car wash. On my first day, I was
                        issued a T-shirt with a slogan on the back: “If you can

                        read this, I’m moving too slowly.” My job was to detail

                        the cars after they came out of the automated washer. I

                        would wipe the water from the car and polish the tires

                        and rims, while my partner, Grady, cleaned the inside of
                        the windows, polished the dash, and vacuumed the

                        seats. Grady always finished before I did and had to help

                        me with the rims and tires. When the manager thought

                        we weren’t working quickly enough, he would yell,

                        “Hustle it up, guys!” But hurrying meant that dirt was left
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