Page 12 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 12
Contents xi
6.8.2 Noise Figure 287
6.8.3 Rayleigh Back Scattering 287
6.9 Additional Examples 288
Exercises 298
Further Reading 300
References 300
7 Transmission System Design 301
7.1 Introduction 301
7.2 Fiber Loss-Induced Limitations 301
7.2.1 Balanced Coherent Receiver 306
7.3 Dispersion-Induced Limitations 313
7.4 ASE-Induced Limitations 315
7.4.1 Equivalent Noise Figure 317
7.4.2 Impact of Amplifier Spacing 318
7.4.3 Direct Detection Receiver 319
7.4.4 Coherent Receiver 322
7.4.5 Numerical Experiments 326
7.5 Additional Examples 327
Exercises 333
Further Reading 334
References 334
8 Performance Analysis 335
8.1 Introduction 335
8.2 Optimum Binary Receiver for Coherent Systems 335
8.2.1 Realization of the Matched Filter 342
8.2.2 Error Probability with an Arbitrary Receiver Filter 345
8.3 Homodyne Receivers 345
8.3.1 PSK: Homodyne Detection 347
8.3.2 On–Off Keying 349
8.4 Heterodyne Receivers 350
8.4.1 PSK: Synchronous Detection 351
8.4.2 OOK: Synchronous Detection 353
8.4.3 FSK: Synchronous Detection 356
8.4.4 OOK: Asynchronous Receiver 359
8.4.5 FSK: Asynchronous Detection 364
8.4.6 Comparison of Modulation Schemes with Heterodyne Receiver 367
8.5 Direct Detection 368
8.5.1 OOK 368
8.5.2 FSK 371
8.5.3 DPSK 374
8.5.4 Comparison of Modulation Schemes with Direct Detection 379
8.6 Additional Examples 381
Exercises 387
References 388