Page 149 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 149

130                                                               Fiber Optic Communications

                             10 24                            10 24
                           4                                 4

                          3.5                               3.5
                           3                                 3
                        Electron density, m *3     2.5 2  Electron density, m *3   2.5 2

                           1                                 1
                          0.5                               0.5

                           0                                 0
                            0   1    2   3   4   5    6       0   1    2   3   4   5    6
                                      Time (ns)                         Time (ns)
                                        (a)                               (b)

            Figure 3.36 Numerical solution of the rate equation using typical parameters of an InGaAsP laser diode: (a) I = 50 mA;
            (b) I = 100 mA.

            The next step is to develop an expression for the optical power generated as a function of the current. Since
            the energy of a photon is equal to ℏ, the mean photon density of N ph  corresponds to the energy density,
                                                   u = N ℏ.                                (3.134)
            The relation between energy density and optical intensity is given by Eq. (3.50),

                                                 = u = N ℏ.                           (3.135)
            Since optical intensity is power per unit area perpendicular to photon flow, the mean optical power generated
            can be written as
                                              P gen  = A = N ℏA,                        (3.136)
            where A is the effective cross-section of the mode. Using Eq. (3.133) in Eq. (3.136), we finally obtain
                                                   (I − I ) ℏA
                                             P   =               .                           (3.137)
            Note that the above equation is valid only when I > I .If I ≤ I , P  = 0 under our approximations.
                                                       th      th  gen
            Example 3.7
            A 1300-nm InGaAs semiconductor laser has the following parameters:

            Active area width  = 3 μm
            Active area thickness d = 0.3 μm
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