Page 27 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 27
8 Fiber Optic Communications
A x A z
F = − , (1.37)
z x
A y A x
F = − . (1.38)
x y
Consider a vector A with only an x-component. The z-component of the curl of A is
A x
F =− . (1.39)
Skilling [2] suggests the use of a paddle wheel to measure the curl of a vector. As an example, consider the
water flow in a river as shown in Fig. 1.6(a). Suppose the velocity of water (A ) increases as we go from the
bottom of the river to the surface. The length of the arrow in Fig. 1.6(a) represents the magnitude of the water
velocity. If we place a paddle wheel with its axis perpendicular to the paper, it will turn clockwise since the
upper paddle experiences more force than the lower paddle (Fig. 1.6(b)). In this case, we say that curl exists
along the axis of the paddle wheel in the direction of an inward normal to the surface of the page (z-direction).
A larger speed of the paddle means a larger value of the curl.
Suppose the velocity of water is the same at all depths, as shown in Fig. 1.7. In this case the paddle wheel
will not turn, which means there is no curl in the direction of the axis of the paddle wheel. From Eq. (1.39), we
find that the z-component of the curl is zero if the water velocity A does not change as a function of depth y.
Eq. (1.34) can be understood as follows. Suppose the x-component of the electric field intensity E is chang-
ing as a function of y in a conductor, as shown in Fig. 1.8. This implies that there is a curl perpendicular to the
page. From Eq. (1.34), we see that this should be equal to the time derivative of the magnetic field intensity
y River surface
x A x
A x (y+∇y)
A (y)
|A x (y+∇y)| > |A x (y)|
River bottom
(a) (b)
Figure 1.6 Clockwise movement of the paddle when the velocity of water increases from the bottom to the surface of
River surface
A x
River bottom
Figure 1.7 Velocity of water constant at all depths. The paddle wheel does not rotate in this case.