Page 159 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 4   Small Business and Entrepreneurship  133

                    Global Business

                                Global Small Business and Information Technology Products

                                Information technology (IT) is           The surge in electronic commerce by small firms
                                allowing small businesses to engage   is creating new jobs. Indeed, most new high-tech
                    in domestic and international business in ways only  businesses are themselves small business firms. In
                    dreamed about in the past. IT infrastructure consists  1997 high-tech entrepreneurs added $134 billion to
                    of computers, software, Internet service providers  the economy and employed 2.2 million people in the
                    (ISPs) or Internet access, high-speed Internet    United States. Data collected by the SBA on high-
                    connections, and high-tech innovators who bring   technology occupations (scientists, engineers, com-
                    these technologies together. It also includes     puter programmers, and analysts) reveals that about
                    telephone communications, cable television, cellular  38 percent of the 4.5 million high-tech workers are in
                    mobile networks, satellites, broadcasting networks,  small firms with fewer than 500 employees. Also,
                    and electricity distribution networks. Small      small firms were responsible for more than 70 percent
                    businesses are participating in IT products with  of the new jobs in IT in the period 1992 to 1996.
                    $106 billion in investments in Germany, France, and  These statistics make a powerful case for small busi-
                    the United Kingdom and $450 billion worldwide in  ness as a technological leader. 2
                    1999. It is apparent that technology is size-neutral in  Some reasons why small businesses are able
                    that aggressive, flexible small companies can     to expand into IT are access to capital financing,
                    implement many aspects of IT as readily as well-  falling costs of computers and electronic
                    established, larger firms. Importantly, technology  equipment, and the development of the Internet.
                    allows small firms to break down previous barriers  Venture capitalists and angels tend to concentrate
                    to exporting and reach out to customers in global  their investments in high-tech enterprises, such as
                    markets. In doing so, small firms can increase sales  biotechnology, computer networking, and the
                    and profits as well as lower business risks.      Internet. Declining costs of computers and
                       A report by the U.S. Small Business            electronic communications are opening up IT to
                    Administration (SBA) gathered the following facts  even microbusinesses. And most small businesses
                    about U.S. small business activity in electronic   have access to the Internet. It is expected that
                    commerce:                                         85 percent of small business firms will conduct
                                                                      business via the Internet in the near future. Surely
                    • In 1997 there were over 4600 Internet service
                                                                      technology is a window through which small
                       providers with fewer than 500 employees.
                                                                      businesses can open up a new worldwide frontier
                    • In 2000 small businesses expected 30 percent of
                                                                      and revolutionize business practices.
                       their annual revenue to come from online Internet
                                                                      Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy,
                       sales in that year.
                                                                      “Small Business Expansions in Electronic Commerce,” Washington,
                    • In 1999 very small businesses with 5 to 99      DC, June 2000.
                       employees invested about $9 billion in network
                       hardware, which compares to $14 billion invested
                       by small and medium-sized firms with 100 to 999  Questions
                       employees.                                      1. Imagine you owned and operated a small busi-
                    • About 85 percent of small businesses with fewer    ness producing a product that could be sold on a
                       than 100 employees had personal computers in      global basis. How could you use the Internet to
                       1999, of which 61 percent had Internet access.    reach customers around the world?
                                                                       2. If globalizing your business using the Internet
                    • Very small firms with fewer than ten employees
                                                                         increased the volume of orders for your product,
                       invested more in IT in proportion to their total
                                                                         what new computer and telecommunications
                       assets or size than larger firms.
                                                                         needs would your growing business require, in
                    • Home-based businesses invest on average about
                                                                         your opinion?
                       $1100 in IT, and microbusinesses with fewer than
                                                                       3. How would the above globalization of your
                       five employees invest about $1500 each year.      business operations affect your personal
                    • About 60 percent of venture capital investments    educational training and skills? What about the
                       went to IT industries in 1998, most of which was  training and skills of new employees that you
                       allocated to small firms.                         might hire?

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