Page 158 - Introduction to Business
P. 158

132     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

        EXHIBIT 4.4                                   Job Opportunities
        Percentages of New Jobs Created               Perhaps the most compelling reason for the importance of
        by Different-Sized Firms                      small business firms is that they provide jobs that people want.
                                                      Does being your own boss sound good to you? Tired of the job
                                                      you are in and want to design your own job? Have a great idea
        500 or more                                   for a business and want to reap the profit, rather than let some-
        employees                                     one else gain that profit? Want to work at home or in an envi-
                                                      ronment that you find attractive? Is there a way to combine
                                         Fewer than 20
                                         employees    family and business in your life? Are your close friends inter-
                                         48%          ested in working together? Do you see unmet needs in your
        20 to 499
        employees                                     community and wish someone would do something about
                                                      them? If you are a woman or member of a minority group, do
                                                      you want to make your own future, rather than be subject to
        Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy,  societal pressures that seem unfair to you?  These questions
        Washington, DC, 1997. Based on data gathered from the U.S.
        Census Bureau.                                express the motivations for many people who start, purchase,
                                                      or join a small business.
                                        The U.S. Small Business Administration estimates that there are over 25 million
                                     small businesses in the United States. Together, they account for at least half of the
                                     jobs and total production of the nation. And, most new jobs are created in the small
                                     business sector (see Exhibit 4.4).
                                        Computer and telecommunications technology is changing the way people work
                                     in small businesses, and its use in small business is growing (see Exhibit 4.5). For par-
        home business A small business that is  ents taking care of children, a home business can provide professional opportunities
        operated out of a household address,  without sacrificing family values. Many larger firms are finding that they can plug into
        rather than out of a business office or  a network of small business professionals in their region without adding permanent
                                     employees to their payrolls. Disabled persons are also finding that they can fit into this
                                     remote business model. No longer is there an absolute need to get to a physical loca-
                                     tion and be at a desk. E-mail, Internet chat rooms, video conferencing, computers, cell
                                     phones, and pagers are connecting people to work on business problems without the
                                     necessity of everyone being at one place at one time. Also, these allow small niche
                                     businesses to rapidly adapt and change to the needs of society.

        EXHIBIT 4.5
        Small Office and Home Office Information  Globalization
        Technology (IT) Spending
                                                  Another trend that is changing the role of small business is globaliza-
                                                  tion. The 1990s witnessed unprecedented growth in international
                                                  trade.While large business firms have surely been the main benefici-
                                                  aries of increased trade between countries, small businesses are
         Dollars (in billions)  50                firms to get involved is by becoming part of the supply chain of larger
                                                  learning how to participate in this growing activity. One way for small
                                                  firms. As large firms expand their reach across national boundaries,
                                                  they stretch their human and physical resources and increase their
                                                  demand for the incremental contributions of small firms. Alterna-
                                                  ketplace. Networking is a popular way for small businesses to import
          10                                      tively, small firms can link up with other small firms in the global mar-
                                                  and export goods and services. For example, a small candy retailer
              1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002
                                                  could start importing candies from small, foreign producers to
                                                  expand their product line and increase sales. Also, many small e-
        Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advo-  businesses operating on the Internet can market their wares around
        cacy, “Small Business Expansions and Electronic Com-
        merce,” report by staff, Washington, DC, June 2000. Data  the world nowadays. Only twenty years ago, this type of global reach
        gathered from IDC.                        was simply impossible for all but the largest firms in the world.

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