Page 169 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 4   Small Business and Entrepreneurship  143

                 control over the enterprise. Many times pro-
                 prietorships are family businesses that are
                 later passed on to children and relatives.
                    Another early stage business form is a
                 partnership made up of two or more individ-
                 uals. The main reasons for establishing a
                 partnership are that more start-up capital is
                 needed, unique and different talents are
                 essential, personal friendships or family ties
                 come into play, and companionship is valu-
                 able as a lifestyle choice. While these benefits
                 are certainly reasonable, it is well known that
                 partnerships can suffer from a number of
                 disadvantages.  Disagreements  can  arise
                 between the partners in almost any area of
                 business management. Conflicts over the
                 firm’s goals, strategy, financing, and so on are
                 common over time. More than half of the
                 partnerships run into such serious personal
                 problems that the firm is either dissolved or
                 one partner buys out the other partner.  Demetris Lewis shows one of the cross-walk signals produced by his home-
                                                          based business, Quantrell Enterprise. The device warns drivers of the possible
                                                          presence of disabled pedestrians.
                 Corporations and Franchises

                 As small firms grow, it may be necessary to adopt the corporate form of business
                 organization. A  corporation is essentially an individual entity that exists only in

                 EXHIBIT 4.8
                 Characteristics of Different Kinds of Business Organizations

                 A sole proprietorship
                   • Personal taxation of business income
                   • Total control of the enterprise
                   • Problem of managing all aspects of the business
                   • Problem of personal liability for bank loans
                   • Availability of government support for financing needs
                 A partnership provides greater financial and human resources.
                   • Problem of management disagreements
                 A C corporation is registered within its home state.
                   • Corporate taxation as an individual entity
                   • Ability to issue common stock to raise new equity capital
                   • Limited liability of managers and shareholders
                   • Problem of double taxation of earnings (but S corporations taxed as
                   • Problem of dilution of ownership control with many shareholders
                   • Problem of loss of entrepreneurial spirit
                 A franchise provides training and brand name recognition for the franchisee
                 from the larger franchisor.
                   • Problem of fees and royalty payments
                   • Problem of loss of independence

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