Page 171 - Introduction to Business
P. 171

CHAPTER 4   Small Business and Entrepreneurship  145

                 ration has limited liability, but is taxed as a partnership and therefore avoids the
                 double taxation of earnings. Earnings are not taxed on the corporate level;
                 instead, they are passed through to shareholders as dividends and taxed only as
                 their personal income. Only domestic firms with less than 75 shareholders are
                 allowed to be S corporations in the United States, so S corporations tend to be
                 fairly small in size.
                    Finally, the limited liability company (LLC) combines the corporate advantage  limited liability company (LLC) A type of
                 of limited liability protection with only the personal taxation of a partnership or S  corporation that combines the
                                                                                          corporate advantage of limited liability
                 corporation. LLCs are owned by their members, who are analogous to partners in a  protection with the personal taxation of
                 partnership or shareholders in a corporation, depending on how the LLC is set up.  a partnership or S corporation
                 However, if an LLC member participates in the firm’s management, profits become
                 subject to self-employment tax.
                    The franchise is another form of business corporation. A corporation can offer  franchise An authorization by a
                 franchises to individuals that allow them to participate as an owner-manager in the  corporation to individuals that allows
                                                                                          them to participate as an owner-
                 firm. McDonald’s Corporation, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Corporation, and
                                                                                          manager of a branch entity of the
                 Subway have retail food franchises; Holiday Inn Worldwide and Best Western have  corporate firm
                 hotel franchises; and Jiffy Lube International, Radio Shack, and Mail Boxes Etc. are

                    Case in Point

                                Franchising: A Way for Small Business and Large Business
                                to Work Together

                                Many small businesses are franchise   Shortly thereafter, the firm was awarded a franchise
                   members of larger corporations. Car dealerships are  by another automobile franchising organization.
                   highly visible, small franchise businesses in most  Expanding their local business further, the firm in
                   towns and cities. They offer a way for small local  recent years has benefitted from the merger of
                   enterprises to participate within a larger corporate  Chrysler Corporation and Daimler-Benz to form
                   firm. Indeed, most car dealerships are owned and   DaimlerChrysler. Changing their name to Brown
                   operated by local small businesspeople.            DaimlerChrysler, the franchise added luxury German
                      Consider the small business history of Brown    cars to its product line.
                   Chrysler. Although a true story, we have changed the  Kinkade and Baumgartner operated their small
                   names and some details to protect privacy. In 1960  business franchise until 2000. At that time Kinkade’s
                   George Kinkade Sr. and James Baumgartner, long-    son John purchased more than 50 percent of the
                   time partners in several businesses in the local com-  firm’s stock from his father and his father’s business
                   munity, opened a small used car lot. Broken-down   partner. The family-owned business found that fran-
                   cars were towed from the surrounding region,       chising not only reduced their business risk but
                   repaired and repainted at their car lot, and then sold  allowed faster growth than otherwise possible.
                   as used cars. Typical financing was simple; a small
                   down payment and weekly payments of 10 to
                   20 dollars was enough to buy one of their cars!
                      In 1962 they leased an abandoned property in     1. Choose a small business franchise in your area
                   town and installed repair and painting facilities to  and write a two-page report that summarizes its
                   expand their automobile renovation business. The      founder(s), owner(s), business activities, and
                   next year they incorporated their firm under the      growth over time.
                   name Car Repair and Sales. In the mid-1960s the cor-  2. What are the main advantages of owning and
                   poration moved to a new location and began to stock   managing this franchise organization?
                   more expensive automobiles that were financed by    3. What are the main disadvantages of owning and
                   the local banks.                                      managing this franchise organization?
                      In 1972 the small corporation applied for a
                   Chrysler franchise under the name Brown Chrysler.

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