Page 24 - Introduction to Business
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Houghton Mifflin’s online learning tool. It is populated with the same content that
we provide in our Blackboard and WebCT courses. Plus it includes unique student
quizzing content, as well as unique video clip exercises. Instructors can choose to
use the content as is, modify it, or even add their own content.
Videos Developed specifically for use with business texts, these videos
highlight a variety of companies and illustrate how key concepts in the text are
applied in the real world. An accompanying video guide gives an overview of the
video for each chapter, as well as suggested discussion questions. The videos are
available in both VHS and DVD formats. In addition to the chapter videos, there is
footage supporting the Case in Point feature in the text.
Transparencies Key exhibits from the text are reproduced in this tradi-
tional format for instructors to use during class presentation.
For Students
In addition to the Test Prepper, built directly into the text, we provide these addi-
tional supplements to help students succeed in this course.
Business Bonus Pack: Your Guide to an ‘A’ Packaged automatically
with every new text, this supplement provides study tips and guidance on how to
use the various pieces of the student support package for the best results. Available
only with the Bonus Pack, the HM eStudy CD provides additional questions, simi-
lar to those presented in the Test Prepper, and chapter outline and learning objec-
tive worksheets that can be used for self-study. Also on the eStudy CD are Portfolio
Project Extensions, worksheets, and hints for completing the end-of-chapter
Exploring Your Own Case in Point and Starting Your Own Business projects.
Student Website The student website includes even more study and
research aids including ACE Self-Tests (with unique question content), glossaries,
flashcards for reviewing all the text’s key terms, the Web Assignments from the text
(updated as URLs may change), and links to all the companies featured in the text.
This textbook owes a debt of gratitude to Texas A&M University’s Center for
International Business Education and Research (CIBER), which played an impor-
tant role in motivating the three critical business themes of our book: globalization,
technology, and ethics. We would also like to acknowledge support from Dean Jerry
Strawser of Mays Business School, who provided the collegial and scholarly envi-
ronment necessary to fulfill such an ambitious project.
We benefited from corporate information provided by three major multina-
tional companies: DaimlerChrysler, McDonald’s, and Sony. Their business stories
are weaved throughout the text to help demonstrate modern business practices.
In addition, many professors provided us with constructive criticisms through-
out the writing process. We would like to express special thanks to Dr. Ben Welch,
who provided invaluable guidance in his role as editorial advisor, based on his
many years of teaching experience in the introduction to business course at Mays
Business School. Also, numerous professors acted as reviewers and Advisory Board
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