Page 274 - Introduction to Business
P. 274

248     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

                                     Job Enrichment Programs.        In order to break the monotony in certain
                                     jobs, especially those requiring repetitive action such as in an assembly line,
        job rotation The practice where  managers generally resort to job rotation. For example, managers periodically
        employees are periodically moved  move employees through different operations on an assembly line. This also pro-
        through different operations in a
        company to break job monotony and to  vides employees the opportunity to learn different skills and to obtain a feel for
        provide employees the opportunity to  all the operations of the company. It provides employees with an appreciation
        learn different skills and obtain a feel for  for what other workers in the company do as well. In some countries, job rota-
        all the operations of the company
                                     tion is the norm, regardless of the industry or professional level of work. For
                                     example, Japanese corporations even rotate their managers from personnel to
                                     finance to marketing to manufacturing. This approach creates a whole cadre of
                                     general managers who can be moved quickly to different management functions
                                     depending on corporate need. Job rotation provides both employees and
                                     management greater flexibility in operation, especially during periods when
                                     structural changes such as greater global competition take place. Companies can
                                     move employees from areas where there is less demand for a certain type of
                                     skilled worker to divisions where demand is high, thereby minimizing the need
                                     to hire and fire workers.
                                        Since the deregulation of the airline industry in the United States, most airlines
        job enlargement The practice where  have resorted to job enlargement, especially at smaller airports. Airline employees
        employees are assigned to manage and
                                     are assigned to manage and run related tasks that lead to job enrichment. For
        run related tasks that lead to job
                                     example, an airline employee will be issuing tickets and checking in baggage at one
                                     time and will be on the runway moments later loading baggage into the airplane or
                                     directing a pilot to park the plane. Although job enlargement may also become
                                     monotonous after some time, it does provide job enrichment and helps both the
                                     employee and the company.

                                     Job Redesign Programs.      Employees have certain likes and dislikes about
                                     their jobs. These can be due to demographics or the academic and professional
                                     experience of the employee concerned. To help keep employees satisfied and also
                                     to enhance their creativity and performance, managers often try to redesign exist-
        job redesign Redefining jobs to keep  ing jobs with the goal of motivating employees. Job redesign can be accomplished
        employees satisfied and to enhance
                                     through three major avenues: combining tasks, forming compatible work groups,
        their creativity and performance
                                     and establishing customer relationships. The goal of combining tasks is to make the
                                     redesigned job more employee-specific by adding responsibilities that are more in
                                     line with the employee’s area of interest or expertise, while at the same time delet-
                                     ing the more mundane job chores and delegating them to others in the organiza-
                                     tion who may be interested in doing them. Increasingly, some of these relatively
                                     mundane service jobs are being outsourced overseas (also called offshoring). Com-
                                     panies in industrialized countries, especially the United States, the United King-
                                     dom, and other English-speaking countries, are moving these jobs, such as pro-
                                     gramming and systems work and loan and credit card processing work, abroad to
                                     countries like India and the Philippines that have a large pool of highly-educated,
                                     English-speaking workers.  This trend will continue to accelerate in the future. 8
                                     There are two major benefits of outsourcing jobs. First, home country employees
                                     find redesigned jobs more to their liking, since they requested the job modification
                                     in the first place. Combining tasks enriches jobs, and helps motivate employees
                                     and maintain high job satisfaction and performance. Second, outsourcing signifi-
                                     cantly increases corporate profitability since the jobs that are outsourced cost a
                                     fraction of those in the United States. 9
                                        Another approach to job redesign is the development of compatible work
                                     groups in which employees with similar interests and professional background
                                     work together often as teams. As a group, they tend to have expertise in a specific

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