Page 315 - Introduction to Business
P. 315

CHAPTER 8   Marketing Basics  289

                 EXHIBIT 8.5
                 Location and Type of MIS Information

                                                    Location of Information

                   Type of Information  Internal                External
                   Secondary        Financial or accounting     Periodicals
                                      data and reports          Newsletter and bulletins
                                    Operating reports           Published reports
                                    Sales force’s call reports and  Syndicated reports
                                      other sales reports       Books, directories,
                                                                 encyclopedias, and

                   Primary          Studies conducted by        Trade shows, exhibits, and
                                      company’s marketing        fairs
                                      research department       Conventions and meetings
                                    Company’s sales force and   Company’s advertising
                                      other employees            agencies
                                    Marketing databases         Company’s channels of

                 the company or external to it. In addition, the information may be secondary or pri-
                 mary. Secondary information is already available; it has been developed by some-
                 one other than the company using it. Primary information is information that was
                 obtained by a company for its own use. Exhibit 8.5 provides examples of the various
                 types of information and their sources.

                   reality      Go to your university or college library and scan the table of contents
                  CH ECK        in the United States Statistical Abstract. What information does it have
                                that would be useful to marketers of consumer products?
                    The specific kinds of information that an MIS would be expected to generate are
                 illustrated by the information Mary Kay Cosmetics wanted its MIS to obtain about
                 its European market. The company, which uses female sales associates to sell its
                 products via demonstrations and “parties” and has sales of over $1 billion, wanted
                 the following information about Europe:
                     Industry data, especially sales and trends by product category
                     Attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of European women
                     Population and income data
                     Cultural, social, and economic information about European countries
                     Perceptions of European women about Mary Kay products and career
                     Employment opportunities for women
                     Women’s use of skin care and makeup products
                     Legal aspects of direct selling in Europe
                     Daily financial information, including revenues and expenses
                    Mary Kay executives hoped that the MIS-Europe would result in a number of
                 benefits, including keeping customers longer, getting additional income from them,
                 identifying customer segments most responsive to specific types of promotional
                 programs, reducing marketing expenses, and shortening the time required to

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