Page 451 - Introduction to Business
P. 451

CHAPTER 12   Financial Reporting  425

                    Technology and Business

                                Timeline of Major Events Regarding
                                Accounting and Information Processing

                     1455    Johann Gutenberg invents movable type.     1980s  Widespread use of microcomputers,
                     1494    Luca Pacioli writes first book on double-         particularly for word processing and
                             entry accounting.                                 spreadsheet applications, occurs.
                     1629    Appointment of auditors to examine the     1984   Internet host computers exceed 1000.
                             accounts of Massachusetts Bay Colony.      1990s  Advancements in hardware and software
                     1700s   Accountants trained through                       made. The PC is helpful in virtually every
                             apprenticeships in counting houses.               accounting task, from financial analysis to
                     1790s   New York Stock Exchange established.              audit examinations to tax research to
                     1830s   Charles Babbage develops analytic engine,         communications.
                             the forerunner of the electronic computer.  1991  Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN in
                     1883    First college accounting course offered at        Geneva, develops a hypertext system to
                             the University of Pennsylvania.                   provide efficient information access. He
                     1887    American Association of Public                    posts the first computer code of the World
                             Accountants formed.                               Wide Web in a relatively innocuous
                     1896    New York is first state to pass CPA               newsgroup, alt.hypertext.
                             legislation.                               1994   Pizza Hut sells pizza on its website.
                     1919    National Association of Cost Accountants          First Virtual, the first cyberbank, is opened.
                             formed.                                    1997   Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce
                     1930s   Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934 require          begins.
                             filing and public disclosure of audited    1999   Most large corporations provide financial
                             financial statements to the SEC.                  reports on the Web, referred to as Internet
                     1940    Institute of Internal Auditors formed.            financial disclosure or electronic financial
                     1946    The first electronic computer, ENIAC, is          reporting.
                             constructed at the University of           2003   Internet host computers, computers with
                             Pennsylvania.                                     a registered IP address, exceed 150
                     1958    In response to Soviet technological               million. Users in over 150 countries are
                             advances, the United States forms the             connected.
                             Advanced Research Projects Agency          2004   Tim Berners-Lee knighted by Queen
                             (ARPA), with the Department of Defense, to        Elizabeth for contributions to Internet
                             develop U.S. prominence in science and            development, specifically for inventing the
                             technology applicable to the military.            World Wide Web.
                     1969    ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet,
                             established with four nodes: UCLA,       Questions
                             Stanford, UC–Santa Barbara, and           1. Considering the major historical events affecting
                             University of Utah.                         accounting and information processing, which
                     1970    First applications of electronic data       one or two would you consider the most pro-
                             interchange (EDI) made.                     found?
                     1973    Financial Accounting Standards Board      2. The use of the Web has revolutionized business.
                             (FASB) established.                         With what firms have you done e-business?
                             International Accounting Standards        3. With what firms would you like to do e-business if
                             Committee (IASC) established.               they had an e-business website?

                 “undiscovered country.” What will the undiscovered country of accounting and
                 information processing look like? Just a few decades ago, could anyone have pre-
                 dicted the impact of the Web on business and e-commerce?
                    Improvements will continue to be made in basic computer applications such as
                 spreadsheet, database, word processing, and communication software. Microcomputer

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