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Saban Community Clinic was founded Since we opened our doors, we have Open Enrollment & Renewal is Here
as the The Los Angeles Free Clinic in provided care to hundreds of Community Advisory
the historic “1967 Summer of Love.” thousands of patients, rooted in the If you need to enroll, renew, change or update your health plan to make Council Meeting
fundamental belief that health care is sure you are covered in 2018, Saban Community Clinic’s certified When: Wednesday, December 6
At that time, our doctors and staff a right, not a privilege. enrollment counselors can help you. Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Julie Hudman, Ph.D. were all volunteers, and patients were Where: Beverly Health Center
Raising the Bar in Patient Care young hippies who flocked to With three health centers today, Our eligibility experts can answer your questions and enroll you in a plan 8405 Beverly Blvd.
This is an exciting time for Saban Hollywood. Most of them didn’t have we’ve come a long way from the first that fits your needs and budget. Call our Health Coverage Eligibility and Los Angeles, CA 90048
Enrollment Line, (323) 648-4181.
Community Clinic; not only is our 50 th money to pay for their care. storefront clinic on Fairfax. Following
Anniversary celebration in full swing, is a snapshot of how we came to be:
but we’re also savoring the success of a Medicare Open Enrollment Covered California Open
major stride in patient care. Starts October 15, 2017 Enrollment and Renewal
Ends: December 7, 2017 Starts November 1, 2017
After a rigorous certification process, 1967 Ends January 31, 2018
I am proud to share that the Clinic has If you are on Medicare, this is
The Albert Schweitzer Memorial Clinic
earned national recognition as a is founded in the “Summer of Love.” the time to review, compare and December 15, 2017: Last day
Patient-Centered Medical Home It moves three times during its first few switch health plans. to enroll or change plans for
(PCMH). Our three sites earned the months due to lack of funds. coverage to start January 1,
highest-level recognition (Level 3) for We can help you with Medicare 2018.
patient-centered care! 1968 enrollment. Plus, we can also
The Clinic reopens as The Los Angeles help you find a better, more What you need to enroll: 28 Annual Patient
What is PCMH? It’s an integrated Free Clinic at 115 N. Fairfax thanks to a affordable plan to cover ✔ Photo ID Holiday Party*
$5,000 grant from the Monterey Pop
model of care that puts patients at the services/costs not covered under
Festival in 1967. ✔ Proof of Citizenship or When: Tuesday, December 12
forefront of care. The model is designed Medicare Permanent Residence Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
to improve patients’ experience of care The Dental Department opens in 1968. ✔ Proof of Income Where: Hollywood Presbyterian Church
by encouraging patients and their What you need to enroll: (pay stubs or tax forms) 1760 N Gower St.
providers to work closely together to ✔ Photo ID Los Angeles, CA 90048
ensure that care is more coordinated, ✔ Social Security Card
comprehensive, and consistent. *Note: Patients must have a ticket to
participate. Tickets are available from
What does PCMH mean for patients? Saban Community Clinic serves all patients regardless of their health your clinical provider.
It means Saban Community Clinic is coverage or legal status. If you don’t have or qualify for health insurance,
committed to delivering highly you may qualify for other free/low cost health care programs. We will work
coordinated care focused on you, our with you to make sure you receive the care you need.
patients. Do you need
1975 to enroll in
If you recently visited us, you may have a health plan
Health advocate Mimi West spearheads the
experienced enhanced care and shorter fundraising effort with philanthropist Seniel Ostrow Take our Patient or renew
wait times. Additional improvements to buy a more spacious building at 8405 Beverly HOW ARE Satisfaction Survey enrollment?
are being made that meet PCMH Blvd.
WE DOING? Your Feedback is
standards. Covered California
Your well-being, access to quality care, Important Enrollment Event
When: Saturday, January 27, 2018
and satisfaction is our priority. Your Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
feedback is important to help us Where: S. Mark Taper Foundation
continue improving our quality of care. The survey can be completed Health Center
I urge you to take our patient electronically using the tablets 6043 Hollywood Blvd.
satisfaction survey using the tablets stationed throughout the clinic. Los Angeles, CA 90028
stationed throughout the Clinic, or ask
our front office staff for a copy. You can also complete the
1987 1990 survey on paper. Ask our front
Thank you for being part of the Saban The Beverly building is transformed into the The ribbon cutting and opening of the Beverly staff for a copy of the survey.
Community Clinic family. three-story facility we know today. building is officiated by Senator Ted Kennedy.