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A Summer of Love Your Health
In celebration of National Health Over 400 patients and community
Center Week, August 13 – 19, and members enjoyed the free health
our 50 Anniversary, the Clinic held screenings, food, games, face
a Summer of Love Your Health Fair painting, arts and crafts, and groovy 1992
on Saturday August 19 at our Wallis music. The event was produced in The Clinic expands and purchases
Annenberg Children and Family partnership with Los Angeles the site at 6043 Hollywood Blvd,
Health Center. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl. made possible by generous
support from the S. Mark Taper
The Clinic opens its third site, the Hollywood-Wilshire
Health Center.
The Clinic celebrates its 40 Anniversary 2012
and opens the Wallis Annenberg Children 2008
and Family Health Center, located at The Clinic is designated a Federally
5205 Melrose Ave. The Los Angeles Free Clinic receives an Qualified Health Center, allowing the Clinic
extraordinary $10 million endowment from to apply for federal funding to help offset
philanthropists Cheryl and Haim Saban and is costs and expand services. The Clinic is
renamed The Saban Free Clinic. renamed Saban Community Clinic.
What’s in store for 2018?
We’re expanding capacity at our Beverly Health Center with a renovation
project that will break ground in 2018. With the demand for services only
growing, the renovation will increase clinical space, productivity, and
efficiency to better meet the needs of our community.
The Clinic earns the highest level (Level 3) in
national recognition as a Patient Centered
Medical Home by the National Committee
for Quality Assurance.
Representatives from Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila
Kuehl and Congressman Ted Lieu’s office recognized the Clinic For National Health Center Week, our Clinics were decorated with
for its 50 years of serving the community. groovy décor. Staff dressed up in psychedelic shirts to infuse the
“Summer of Love” spirit in the Clinic. Conceptual Renderings
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