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P. 12
12 Loud Cities Magazine / #1 Jan 2021
Charlie Nieland:
NYC-based producer indie music veteran Charlie “Tightrope was written in
Nieland presents his new single ‘Tightrope’, an exciting response to the novel ‘Little
new offering that brings him one step closer to the Liar’ by Julia Gray. Reading
release of his new ‘Divisions’ LP. The brilliant accom- it brought out for me the
panying video was directed by visionary B.A Miale. similarities of wishing and
lying, crossing our fingers
for each, and how we can
tumble down into our
loneliness without seeing
the color that surrounds
us. The lyrics to the chorus,
“The colors run together, The
coins are thrown forever,
An instrument of trust”,
jumped out of the air for me
and when I picked up the
guitar, the music came just
as instantly, like the song
was waiting for me to find it.
It really felt like a gift, with
elements of classic British
pop crisscrossed with
post-punk and shoegaze;
ELO meets Psychedelic
Furs,” says Charlie Nieland.
Charlie Nieland presents
Video director B.A Miale’s
‘Tightrope’ single with mystifying interpretation elevates
the song into a beautifully
video ahead of ‘Divisions’ LP surreal tale that opens
into a shimmering, slightly