Page 9 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 9

Loud Cities Magazine / #1 Jan 2021    9

               ...are revisiting
       Visage or the early

              Kirlian Camera
              adventures but

              more than this
          they refresh it all

          with later flashes
          from the Batcave

             artistic attitude
                   and motion.

         (bass), Kyriakos Tsakalidis        is not a retro-band, they            in the future; I won’t be
         (drums), and Stawi Tsiara          don’t sit comfortably in             shocked at all if any of
         (lyrics and visuals).              any ready-made sound-                their upcoming releases
         All things analog synth-           scapes but they dig hard             will sound a bit different
         wave oriented 80s music            for it, mostly to blend              than that. All their seeds
         is the core inside and the         their music with the rest            were sown in this album
         force behind this pecu-            of their “r esear ch” in             and I am curious about
         liar act. Convex Model             music generally. All this            what’s at the back of their
         are revisiting Visage or           analogue-synthetic bundle            minds for the future!
         the early Kirlian Camera           they  offer  is  clearly  flirt-
         adventures but more than           ing with the darkwave,
         this they refresh it all           synthpunk occasionally,
         with later flashes from the        the new wave and they
         Batcave artistic attitude          do it all within the best
         and motion.                        of the groove they can
         All you’ll hear in their           get to, and they do it all
         m u s i c  i s  a  n e v e r- e n d -  exemplary.                              Keep up with
                                            This pretty nice official                  Convex Model
                                            video of “Hollow Inside” is
                                            the best example of their
                                            music, and obviously, for
                                            what shall follow next by
                                            that very talented  band
                                            from the North of GR. If
         ing party with all the             you listen to the whole
         machines that they use to          “Quantity Of Motion” LP
         create their art. It is quite      you’ll get their point and
         glorious  and  an  interest-       you  will  understand  that
         ing fact that Convex Model         this band will surprise us

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