Page 61 - August-2020-Issue
P. 61
standards & Ministry of Health With the country significantly
& Family Welfare/Ministry of ramping up the production of
Textile guidelines and has been PPE suits to end its import de-
found to meet the synthetic blood pendence, there has been sev-
penetration resistance criteria for eral news reports mentioning the
both the fabric, suit and seam. It flooding of market with dubious
is cost effective as it does not re- quality PPE kits. While there has
quire any major capital invest- been a clarion call to strictly im-
ment and can be adopted even by plement the testing and certifica-
gown manufacturing units using tion standards for manufacturers,
basic stitching expertise. The tech- a quality product is also the need
nology and quality of fabric is so of the hour. NavRakshak has been
superior that there is no require- designed by a Naval doctor in-
ment of sealing around the seam corporating personal experiences
of the PPE suit, thus eliminating in using the PPE for the comfort Breathable, cost effective and safe PPE
the need of importing costly seal- and protection of the doctors. The
ing machines and tapes. The PPE enhanced breathability factor in application has been filed for the
fabric even does not require any the PPE suit makes it an attrac- NavRakshak PPE by the inven-
lamination with polymer or plas- tive proposition to be used by the tors through NRDC-DGQA IPFC
tic like film. This makes the PPE frontline health workers who are mechanism. This technology can
to permeate heat and moisture required to wear these suits for resolve many issues at a go. It
from the skin of the user. It gives long hours and face extreme dis- makes manufacturing easy with-
protection but does not compro- comfort while working. out requiring big capital invest-
mise on comfort. This uniqueness Intellectual Property Facilitation ment. It does not require coating
of the PPE makes it way different Cell of DGQA, MoD; Indian and taping related equipment.
from the existing PPEs which are Navy and NRDC partnered in Therefore, foreign import and
being used during the ongoing protecting the IP and its com- costly machines are not required.
COVID pandemic. mercialization. Since, the concept It gives protection as well as com-
The PPE suit is available in single of using uncoated, unlaminated fort to the user. Above all, it gives
ply as well as double ply as per or untapped PPE has been first self-sustainability to the country.
the need of the end use condi- time provided, and using such In future, it may so happen that
tions. It also comes with a head PPE was not practiced at all, this simple yet highly effective
gear; face mask and shoe cover there was a need to protect the IP PPE suit may become the bench-
up to the mid-thigh level. rights of this innovation. A patent mark standard of PPEs.
Contd... from # 57
12 Rapid Loading Systems (RLS), power plants, besides biological With its huge reserves, committed
aims at supplementing the in- reclamation of mined-out area and dedicated work force, good
creased coal production. and bringing it to original form transport connectivity and well-
With the help of state govern- by laying top soil, adopting best placed infrastructure, MCL has a
ment, the company has planned agricultural and afforestation secured future for next 50 years.
for creating social infrastruc- practices. The planned investment in so-
ture, like roads, fly-overs, parks, MCL has also adopted a part of cial and mining projects will not
etc. under its Command Area in tribal-dominated area under its only increase direct and indirect
Sundergarh, Jhasuguda, Sambal- command in Sundergarh for de- employment for local youth,
pur and Angul districts of state. velopment under Gram Samridhi but also provide opportunities
To spread green footsteps, MCL Yojana, to improve the quality of for Medium, Small and Micro
is going to set-up more solar life in and around MCL’s projects. Enterprises (MSMEs).
KaleidOscope August, 2020 61