Page 2 - PHPCN 2019 Annual Conference
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                                                       Dear Hospice and Palliative Care Colleagues

                                                           Honoring the work of a hospice and
                                                       palliative care team can be a humbling
                                                       experience. Through the years my team and
                                                       teams across our Pennsylvania Hospice and
                Pennsylvania HosPice                   Palliative Care Network have entered the
                                                       patient’s circle of care in partnership with
           and Palliative care network
                Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care  others. The stories we share are stories of
                                                       the heart, stories of success and at times
                                                       significant challenges. I bow humbly to our
            Lonna H. Donaghue, MGA                     work and to our commitment to teamwork. I
                    Executive Director                 am excited to be connecting with our larger team as we gather
                Pennsylvania Hospice and               for this years PHPCN conference.
                 Palliative Care Network                   This years’ exciting 3-Day event will find hospice and
                                                       palliative care team members from across the state gathering
                                                       to share knowledge and build on our strong team foundation.
             PHPCN CONFERENCE                          Attendees are sure to leave the conference feeling empowered
            PLANNING COMMITTEE                         by their abilities, supported by their greater team, and
                                                       energized to bring the spirit of our team back to their respective
                                                       areas of the network.
           Rev. Jim Ingalls, BA, MA Mis                     There are many moving parts involved in the work we
                Chair, PHPCN Conference                do each day. We are called to establish and maintain best
                   Planning Committee                  practices in pain and symptom management, measure the
                        Chaplain                       quality of our work and compare it to others. We are asked to
               VNA Hospice of Philadelphia             step into the story of our patients and recognize their potential
                Temple University Hospital             for past trauma all while navigating an increasingly intense
                      Palliative Care                  regulatory environment. We are collectively called to create
                                                       everyday excellence during moments that matter most.
           Cynthia Campbell-Samuels,                       Our teams are asked to take on the task of learning to lean
                    RN, BSN, RUR                       into each other; to recognize our individual strengths and play
                     Care Manager                      into them creating our collective strength. We are asked to
               Lebanon VA Medical Center               be vulnerable every day!  This does not happen by accident.
                                                       This kind of teamwork requires hard work and an ongoing
                 Rev. Anne G. Huey,                    commitment to each other.
                  MDiv, MSHS, BCC                          Join us this year May1-3, 2019 and learn to step into the
                Spiritual Services Manager             story of you patients armed with passion, courage and the
                    St. Luke’s Hospice                 collective knowledge and skill of teamwork. Come to learn,
                                                       connect and play with your PHPCN team.
            Paige E. Payne, MS, MSW,                       I take great honor in sharing this profession with all of you
                   LSW, ACHP-SW                        and know that It Takes A Team to deliver the level of care and
                Director of Home Hospice               compassion we all strive for every day.
               Hospice & Community Care                With much respect and appreciation for our unique connection,
            Jeannie M. Vogt, RN, MSN,                  Jeannie Vogt, RN, MSN, MBA, CHPN
                     MBA, CHPN                         President, Pennsylvania Hospice and Palliative Care Network
                     Clinical Director                 Clinical Director
                  Lehigh Valley Hospice                Lehigh Valley Hospice

                                                       “I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice
                                                       for it, because the team, not the individual is the champion”. Mia Hamm
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