Page 7 - PHPCN 2019 Annual Conference
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Featured Speakers Educational Workshop Schedule
SESSION 1 − 9:45 AM–11:15 AM 1C Trauma Informed Approach
When Managing Psychological
1A Rhonda McMahon, LCSW, Bereavement Coordinator,
Distress at End of Life
Regulatory Update for Hospice
Providers – Part 1
Jennifer L. Kennedy, MA, BSN, CHC, Regulatory and Lehigh Valley Health Network Hospice &
Bereavement Services
Compliance Director, National Hospice and Palliative
Care Organization The psychological distress of dying patients is best
understood as existing within the Total Pain/Suffering
Change happens! Is your organization on top of all the construct modeled by Cicely Saunders. In an effort to
recent regulatory changes affecting the hospice industry? effectively manage the symptoms of psychological distress
This session will highlight the important regulatory issues in hospice patients, including depression and anxiety, a
facing hospice providers today. Participants will receive trauma informed approach can facilitate healing. This
cutting edge information about what is happening within presentation addresses the challenging aspects of treating
CMS, the OIG, and other federal entities that affect and managing psychological suffering at end of life, as
hospice care. well as, identifying a trauma informed approach as best
Learning Objectives: Identify the “hot” regulatory practice.
issues in the hospice industry and how they affect hospice Learning Objectives: After completing this activity
providers and the hospice industry as a whole. Review the participants will be able to identify and discuss
2019 hospice survey landscape and 2019 national CoP psychological distress at end of life as informed by Cicely
deficiencies. Discuss how to reduce compliance risk. Saunders Total Pain Construct. After completing this
1B Common Pharmacomistakes in activity participants will be able to define Trauma Informed
Approach and understand its efficacy in managing
psychological distress at end of life. After completing this
Advanced Illness Opioid Conversion
MISCalculations! Achieving Pain activity participants will be able to verbalize and discuss
Relief Quickly AND Safely! their own experiences with patients’ psychological suffering
at end of life.
Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, BCPS, CPE,
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Pharmacy 1D Spirituality and Social Work,
Practice and Science, University of Maryland School The Yin and Yang in Patient Care
of Pharmacy
Lauren Geldon, MSW, LSW, Hospice Social Worker
Patients facing an advanced illness frequently need to and Jason Vanderburg, BA, MA, Hospice Spiritual
switch from one opioid to a different opioid, different Counselor, Lehigh Valley Health Network
opioid formulation, or different route of administration.
This face-paced, case-based presentation will review Hospice care is more than good medical care; it is caring
the most common errors made in opioid conversion for a whole human being. This workshop will address
calculations. Participants will identify the error and spiritual and psychosocial care as ways of dealing with
recommend corrective action that aims to achieve pain whole human beings at the end of life. Audience members
relief quickly, safely and effectively! Join Drs. McPherson will explore: The use of assessments in identifying one’s
and Doogie Howser in this romp through opioid conversion spirituality, the benefits of social workers and spiritual
calculations! counselors working together as team members, and how
holistic awareness can empower patients at the end of life.
Learning Objectives: Given a simulated scenario of
an opioid conversion calculation, identify the error in the Learning Objectives: Identify and explore a holistic
case. Given an error in a simulated opioid conversion approach to social work and spiritual care assessments.
calculation, describe potential clinical consequences of the Define role of a social/spiritual dynamic when serving
case. Given an erroneous opioid conversion simulated patients at end of life. Discuss how psychosocial and
situation, describe a preferred option for the calculation spiritual awareness can lead to empowerment, and coping
that aims to maximize pain relief while maximizing safety. with the dying process.