Page 9 - PHPCN 2019 Annual Conference
P. 9

Educational Workshop Schedule  Educational Workshop Schedule

        THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2019

         SESSION 3 – 2:45 PM–4:15 PM                             3C       The Long Death: Travelling the Long
                                                                          and Winding Road
        3A                                                       Deanna Deeter, CRPN, Penn State Children’s Hospital
                  Staying Compliant With the Hospice
                  Regulations and What New
                  Regulations Can Hospice Expect                 Hummingbird Program Manager; Michelle Freeman,
                                                                 MD, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center,
                                                                 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine,
        Judy L. Connelly, RN, MSN, SPHR, Executive Director,     Medical Director, Penn State Hershey Medical Center
        Good Samaritan Hospice of Pittsburgh; Susan Smith,       Palliative Care Program; Nicole Hahnlen, RN, Penn
        MSN, CHPN, Hospice Manager, Geisinger Home               State Children’s Hospital Hummingbird Program
        Health and Hospice and Jeannie Vogt, RN, MSN,            Coordinator and Megan Youtz, LPC, Penn State
        MBA, CHPN, Lehigh Valley Hospice Clinical Director       Children’s Hospital Hummingbird Program Clinical

        This panel discussion will present best practices on how to   Counselor
        stay compliant with the hospice regulations and prepare
        for implementation of future regulations. This will be an   Pediatric decline and death can occur slowly over
        interactive session, please come prepared to share your   several months, which often makes for a bewildering
        best practices and leave with new ideas to implement now   and emotional road for the many healthcare teams who
        and prepare for the future. Providers are encouraged to   have come to know and care for a child over time. This
        bring you medical marijuana policies to discuss and share   presentation describes the course of a long death, the
        best practices.                                          building of an effective palliative care plan that is effective
                                                                 across various community settings, and the ways in which
        Learning Objectives:  Discuss best practices to stay in   healthcare teams can support each other through this
        compliance with the Hospice Conditions of Participation.   journey.
        Identify processes to implement new regulations.         Learning Objectives: Discuss ways in which pediatric
        3B        Encountering Opioid Use Disorder               prognostication helps us to anticipate and plan for the long
                                                                 death. Identify important aspects of building a palliative
                                                                 care plan that is effective across a variety of community
                  in the Seriously Ill Patient:
                  Determining Best Practice for the              settings. Build awareness of your own emotions as a
                  Palliative Care Provider                       healthcare provider and the impact those emotions have on
                                                                 patient and family care.
        Molly Hanson, MSN, CRNP, Palliative Care Nurse
        Practitioner, Neu Center for Supportive Medicine and    3D        Narratives and Grief
        Cancer Survivorship,Thomas Jefferson University
        Over the past decade, the opioid epidemic has impacted   Jane Williams, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Pediatrics
        health care throughout the nation.  However, opioids     (Retired), Wake Forest University Medical School
        remain an important tool in relieving suffering for patients   The session will focus on the development of grief
        with serious illness.  This presentation will explore our   narratives, unique stories that assist with the acceptance
        experience encountering substance use disorder in the    of death and accommodation of loss.  The influence of
        palliative care clinic at Thomas Jefferson University.  I will   culture, individual traits, and circumstances of the death
        provide an overview of the problem, discuss challenges   on the development of the stories will be discussed.  The
        with our population, and offer insights from our experience.   presentation will include the reading of a transformative
        The session will then open up for facilitated discussion.
                                                                 grief narrative and techniques for re-authoring stores.
        Learning Objectives: Participants will understand scope   Learning Objectives: Describe the development of grief
        of opioid crisis and be able to define/identify opioid use   narratives.  Describe how narratives can be transformative
        disorder (OUD). Participants will be able to discuss the   in grief.  List techniques that may re-author grief narratives.
        unique challenges encountering OUD in patients with
        serious illness.

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