Page 14 - PHPCN 2019 Annual Conference
P. 14

Registration Information

        How to Register                                          Ground Transportation
        Register early for best session workshop selection and   Harrisburg International Airport is the nearest
        best rate.  Registrations may not be shared.  Type or    terminal.  Shuttle service to the Sheraton Harrisburg
        print all information requested since the information    Hershey Hotel is available by calling the hotel front
        you provide will be used for confirmation letters and    desk at 717.564.5511.
        your badge.
                                                                 Wednesday Opening Reception
        Payment                                                  Wednesday evening cash bar and Hor d’Oeuvres
        Payment must accompany registration (no exceptions).     reception is included in the full conference registration
        Registration fee may be paid by check or money           fee. For individuals who wish to attend the reception
        order or by VISA or MasterCard. Mail completed           but are not registered for the full conference, the fee
        registration and check made payable to:                  is $30.
        Pennsylvania Hospice and Palliative Care Network
        475 West Governor Road, Suite 7                          Registration Cancellation Policy
        Hershey, PA  17033                                       All cancellations must be submitted in writing to

        If paying by credit card, you may fax your registration   PHPCN. A $50 processing fee will apply to all
        to PHPCN at 717.533.4007.  Our fax line is always        cancellations.  Cancellations received in writing by
        open so please keep trying if the line is busy. To avoid   PHPCN on or before April 12, 2019, will receive
        duplicate charges, please do not fax and then mail       a full refund less the processing fee. No refunds will
        your registration.                                       be made on written cancellations received after April
                                                                 12, 2019.  Substitutions are welcome; please submit
        Spouse Rate                                              your request in writing. All refunds will be processed
        $100 enables spouses of conference participants to       within 30 days after the conference.
        attend the Wednesday evening event, Thursday and         We reserve the right to substitute faculty or to cancel
        Friday lunches and continental breakfasts.               or reschedule sessions due to low enrollment or other
                                                                 unforeseen circumstances. If the conference must
        Hotel Reservations                                       be cancelled, registrants will receive full credits or
        PHPCN has negotiated a $135 per room, per night,         refunds of the paid registration fees. No refunds can
        single or double occupancy rate at the Sheraton          be made for lodging, airfare or any other expenses
        Harrisburg Hershey Hotel in Harrisburg, PA.  To          related to attending the conference.
        ensure this rate, reservations should be made as soon
        as possible and no later than April 5, 2019.  Hotel      Confirmation
        reservations can be made by calling the Reservations     Confirmations will be sent to all participants
        Department at 1.800.325.3535 or going online to          submitting paid registrations before April 12, 2019.
        the Sheraton’s Stargroups website designated for the
        PHPCN Annual Meeting and Conference                      For Additional Information             Contact the PHPCN Office at 717.533.4002 or
        reservation-link.mi?id=1548431460739&key=GRP&            email

        Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel
        4650 Lindle Road
        Harrisburg, PA  17111

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