P. 49

                                                                                                                           Monday 10 deceMber 2018

              Grand Opening Azure Beach Residences

                The two brothers Alberto Perret-Gentil and Irwin J. Perret-Gentil

              EAGLE  BEACH  —  The  two  brothers  Irwin  J.  wise you cannot go wrong: the 2 -bedroom
              Perret-Gentil  and  Alberto  Perret-Gentil  from  condominiums are 1024 sq. ft. and the 3-bed-
              PERING,  one  of  the  largest,  privately-owned  room units 1670 sq. ft. Storage is included so
              Real Estate and construction firms in Venezu-  just leave your chairs and bicycles locked up,
              ela and Aruba, officially opened the amazing  even when you rent out your units, rooms are
              Azure  Beach  Residences  last  Thursday.  The  offered  in  lock  offs  meaning  your  personal
              right-on-the-beach  condominium  project  is  belongings stay safe in one locked bedroom
              not the first successful residence of the Perret-  while the rest of the place can be rented out.
              Gentils:  Oceania  Residences  and  Blue  Resi-  Two infinity pools, a Jacuzzi area, tennis court
              dences made their entrée before and left an  and  club  house  with  gym,  sauna,  grill  and
              impressive footprint in the landscape of para-  pool  table  are  available.  Important  to  men-
              disiac vacation property. With Azure and the  tion is that we are energy efficient as all units
              newest Harbour House project the group es-    have double glass, we use a well for water-
              tablishes their position even more.           ing the garden and solar panels for lightning.
                                                            We  are  most  eco-friendly  as  possible”,  says
              A mix of local realtors, owners, business part-  Marinelda  Cataya,  Sales  Representative.  In
              ners  and  press  attended  the  Grand  Open-  her opinion potential buyers want to feel trust
              ing, organized at the ground floor of the Club  and that is exactly what Azure offers as you   Carol and Jon Biale from the South
                                                                                                                 of Boston, Massachusetts
              House  at  Azure  Residences  in  front  of  Eagle  see  the  finished  result  of Tower I  where they
              Beach. “We are proud of the project and we  almost sold all units.
              show we are only moving forward, also with
              our newest project Harbour House in Oranjes-  Happy Owners
              tad”, says Alberto. The opening was a great  Carol and Jon Biale from the South of Boston,
              opportunity to connect with the stake holders,  Massachusetts,  are  the  happy  owners  of  a
              but also to present the achievements of the  condo at Azure. “There are so many advan-
              PERING Group. “Azure Beach Residences won  tages here. All is within close reach, the staff
              the Venezuelan award for Best Export Project  of Azure is extremely helpful and friendly and
              recently, a fact to be proud of.”             they even arrange everything with regards to
                                                            rentals for you. Besides that all is brand new
              Amazing Azure                                 and this is a dream location”, says Carol. She
              All  condominiums  of  Azure  face  the  clear  can’t wait to show their children who come
              blue  ocean  with  the  white-sandy  beaches,  over for Christmas. “We are very satisfied, we
              even  the  ones  on  the  ground  floor.  Space  feel this is our second home.”q
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