Page 20 - Beep Beep January 22
P. 20

    A personal message from Malcolm King...
As many of you know my ‘final' car restoration is a 1929 Mk 1V Riley – a boat tailed Riley
with a fabric body....
     Malcolm with Chris, Dylan and Noel
 The remains of the vehicle were found by Matt Nobel in the industrial area in Noosaville. Chris Stafford, Mat and I went along to inspect it at a repair garage run by Peter Hitchens.
Upon inspection the chassis number was located on the front LHS front chassis extension by Chris and it appeared to be complete but very ‘tatty’. We settled on a price which was subsequently increased by $2,000 to cover the engine repair !!
We arranged to go back later to collect it plus several boxes of spares, the Chassis and the remains of the body.
I proceeded to strip the Chassis and record all the parts, this was all achieved fairly quickly.
Then the fun began – and here I would like to sincerely thank those who helped me...
Dave Young, who took on the axles, diff.brakes and springs. Graeme from Coastal Auto Upholstery who replaced the fabric body and trimmed the doors and fitted the carpet.
Noel St John Wood who replaced the rotten wood in the body frame, and later on fitted an alloy strip on the belt line.
Dillon Higgins, who restored the engine which proved to be a long process as we were trying to marry parts from three engines.

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